Tuesday, May 21, 2013


So this Month called May has just flown by.  I feel as if I blinked and it just happened.  From the last post I have traveled.....A-LOT!  I have put more miles on in this last month than I felt I did last year alone.  I have had a few adventures and tons of laughs!

We like to celebrate birthdays in the office!  This is the first one I have been apart of but it was fun!  It was Barb's TOO! :)  I don't know if I have said this before but I just LOVE my co-workers!!  Honestly this is such a positive, supportive, loving environment!  I hope I can say this for the rest of my life,  I look forward to coming to work to see them!!
Anxiously awaiting for Natalee's arrival.  Carla, Kim, Nicky, and  Barb

Happy Birthday...Barb was upset because she couldn't bend her arms to hold the cake...

I don't know the last time I even had one of these!  All day celebration for this girl!

Barb playing hide and seek........YEAH about that!

Our Birthday Girl!!
The card with the picture of all of us!  We are so adorable!
We don't normally wear swimsuits and strut around like that. 
We had some veggies, fruit, and some good conversation with all of us and then went back to work.  It was a fun celebration!! I look forward to celebrating more birthdays in the future!

So I had to go to Beach, ND. If any of you don't know where that is, it's literally on the edge of ND. Like 1/2 Mile from the Montana border.  Well I mean, how can one go that close and not go take a picture! It was to irresistible.  My co-worker Kim road with me due to having a meeting as well.  She kinda looked at me as if I was crazy! But like I told her you only live once and how often do you get awesome opportunities such as this! NOT OFTEN!  So this picture is the result of our 1/2 mile adventure!   Thanks for taking the picture Kim! And for not judging to much, LOL you are the best!
On our way back Kim (who is native to the area) took me through Medora. It has been YEARS since I have been here.  So she thought it would be neat to take me for a little drive right on through.  Nothing was opened because it isn't tourist season quite yet.  This is a collage I made as we went through. 

Sunday Funday....Well that phrase has taken a whole new meaning!  Katie (my side-kick) and I decided to do some Sunday shopping at the......That's right folks you guessed it THE DICKINSON MALL!  Some how we shopped for three hours.  I am pretty sure we looked at and touched every item in that whole building!

Claire's!  Yup we went there!

Katie trying to balance on this board.  We laughed a lot!

But with some persistence and balance she made it!
Then almost died getting off of it!
Its a JAM-IC-A...That is how I kept pronouncing this thing!
It was recommended to try it so I thought I would, we found this
beauty at Dan's Super Market...to say the least...it was interesting.

Katie and I before we went

Katie and I at Walmart.....Rare sight to see....not really! We find ourselves there quite often together
because neither of us want to go alone and we seem to "need" a lot that Walmart has to offer.
Update: Still a bunch of crazy, weird, stalker people there!
Who would think that when it is "your Friendly Local Walmart Store?!"
The hit and run on our work vehicle! Sad news my friends!! I was super depressed about it! People are just so dishonest these days.  I however, was very thankful in this situation because I was going to park my car on the left side of this one and take this car home for the night since I needed it the next day.  Something told me not to take it....Luckiest girl ever! My car would have been destroyed!
 For the weekend I went up to Williston and met up with My mom, Atati, John, and Kylie.  We got to stay at the Hampton Inn.  We went out to supper then came back and swam in the hotel and screwed around in the workout room for a while.  I really needed some fun family time!  That is exactly what that night provided!  When I checked into the hotel they were having a Kentucky Derby party in a banquet room.  All these people were dressed so fun!  Then outside our window we saw this!  I bet his horse won!! :)

When I got back to Dickinson, Katie and I decided to break out the Nintendo I bought before I moved out here. I was concerned with not having a lot to do so I bought this baby!  I have Dr. Mario, Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong.  This machine plays both regular Nintendo games and Super Nintendo games. 2 for 1 special right here!  Brought back some good ol' memories, that's for sure!!

 Here is a mug from my sister!! She made this for me at Clay your Way.....Please stop being jealous because I can feel it all the way through the computer! JK...but Honestly could my sister be any sweeter or cooler!  This mug made it's first appearance in the office today.  Everyone loves it just as much as I do!
                                                                BEST SISTER EVER!!!!
A little hint for all you followers....this may match my office colors ;)

I had to transport one of the children that are going to be on my caseload here in a couple weeks.  The child was visiting a potential family and needed a ride back home.  I got a rental car and we headed on the road.  As you can tell from this picture the child was such good company.  I mean kids don't come any more social than this little one here!  The child didn't say anything but...."I have to go to the bathroom" and " I would like to eat at a Chinese buffet so I can eat all the shrimp I want"....OK.....

This last Saturday I ventured up the dreaded 85 and went to Watford City to watch this man throw some items!  He placed 6th in a Varsity Regional Track Meet with a personal best of 113.11!! Atati is Freshman in high school so that is really really good!  Proud sister here!!!

A little collage I put together for him!

What does one do on a rainy Saturday night??  Well Katie and I explored within the basement (of her house).  We were laughing about their child hood things and such.  I picked up this box you see in the picture and I was like "Look Katie a Polly Pocket!!".....Not Quite!

 More like an old retainer! So disappointed not going to lie!!  But the laugh we got from it was great!

So this is pretty much up to date!  Nothing stalkerish to tell you this time! I have been very careful on where I am at and what my surroundings are.  Things are going well here.  I just finished my first Family Assessment yesterday.  I sent it to my supervisor for review.  I am excited because it was a lot of work and a lot of time spent in it.  I never thought my writing skills would be that necessary but I have found that they are needed in this job.  At this time I wish I would have been a little more studious in that class! But you know how the beginning of college works everything is "Drink this, Do that, Let's skip class......YOLO YOLO YOLO.." $60,000 mega ones later....Yup I shouldn't have been so......YOLOish.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!! I will be in Wisconsin for round two of celebration for Lindsey and Scott Haugen's wedding! I will take lots of pictures and update you on how that wonderful trip went when I get back!  

So Much Love,

One of my new favorite songs!

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Most people describe Barb as a nice, friendly, caring, compassionate, helpful, and sweet kind of gal!  
We inherited Barb from a child within the program and we are caring for Barb for a while.  Natalie my co-worker left on vacation to Chicago.  You know what they say...when "Mom's" away the children will play.....AND SO IT BEGAN.......
Looking Fab together!

Barb reading up on Social Work...she wants to be us.

Barb being ever so productive....NOT

We told Barb that this is inappropriate in the office.  She was kinda  rude about it not going to lie!

Office Tour!! Look how excited she is! PUT YOUR HAND IN THE AIR!!
Headed to get a cart to move some stuff in our office.

BEE safe storage!  People are so creative it kills me!!

Barb riding the chair through the hallways

Barb trying to beat Kim down the hallway...she is crazy competitive

Barb pushed Kim out of the way and stole the cart and rode it back to the office....Like I said COMPETITIVE!

 So, for the past month there has been a mystery smell in the offices across our hallway.  At first we didn't really care to much because it was not effecting us in our office.  Well soon that changed and the smell was unbearable. It was leaking through my window into my office and into the hallways.  So before we all were going to die due to this AWFUL smell I suggested a search in the basement for the source (dead body is what I was really looking for).  So pulling my big girl pants on, grabbing my co-worker's Kim and Carla, and Barb we ventured to the depths of the basement.  

Barb riding the slide into the basement.  Making Barb go first ;)  She didn't know Teehehe

Barb being a creep in the corner of the basement!  Looking for dead things
So what did we find on our investigation.... a whole lot of NOTHING....We did find where the smell was coming from in the depths of the basement but could not find the exact point of the source.  In the long run it was the furnace and it had to be replaced.  Smell is still lingering a bit after the replacement, but it is 10x's better then it was!

So we went out for lunch and this is what the security cameras captured while we were gone.
Spotted...Barb getting soda

Shaking the pop machine....She must not have know you had to put money in the machine....

Then, the camera spotted Barb trying to put her arm up the candy machine.....
Barb was mad because she couldn't bend her arm that way

On to the next adventure....THE COPY MACHINE

Results of this little activity....
After Lunch.....
Barb posing like a pageant girl?! That's what she was saying but we all know what that looks like...Hail _______! You fill in the blank!

Right after that picture she turned and started to attack Carla!  Trying to take her job!

She succeeded but then when she went to type and answer the phones she couldn't because all of her fingers are glued together so we convinced her to do another job
Barb all depressed :(  "My poor fingers"

but she decided to punch some papers instead! No finger separation needed!
After her episode she decided to be nice and delivered the flowers from the Marshall's to me! She was trying to make peace within the office.
 As Barb tried making peace with all of us in the office we got into a discussion of tattoos...and then she showed us what the cameras didn't capture while we were out......

Back Tattoo! Who would have thought!  Barb is TOUGH as nails

 YUP....exactly!  SHOCKED!  Barb is like a Goth, Biker, Rough around the edges type of girl.....Who would have known by the first initial smile and greeting!?

****Side note:  I was asked by 3 different people why I had been carrying a Barbie around the office.  I was looked at as a weirdo and they were judging me!  LISTEN PEOPLE...Life is what you make it OK! And if I have to carry a plastic doll around to make myself laugh in between tasks....I'M A GONNA DO IT....MMMKAY!

So Much Love,

Song selection....You guessed it I'm sure! Barbie Girl!! OOOO 90's you were so good to us!! :)