Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Why Yes Sir I am buying cheese.....PROBLEM???

So I thought I would update a little story that happened.  Nothing to long just a short little thing.  When I said goodbye to my brother (John) before I moved out here, he told me some pieces of advice.  Which now that I am living here, I know that they were very good pieces of advice!  They were something like: don't go into alleyways, don't go out at night (dark) if you don't have too, Always be in a lit areas, don't make eye contact with men (unless it's with work), and don't talk to strangers.  You know the basics!  So me being the brave person I am I decided to go grocery shopping by myself after know because I am a big girl and all.  So here I am pushing my cart, getting all that good produce...apples, carrots, strawberries..etc.  And you know how you get that feeling when someone is watching you....YOU JUST KNOW!  I felt that...OK! I felt it!  But because I was "being brave" I was like talking to myself a little something like this...."Now Nicky, you know that John told you to not go out at night, and to not make eye contact,  you are doing just fine! You are over exaggerating because you are nervous about everything being new and unknown....quit thinking someone is watching you! Finish up and be on your way!"  Pep talk with self CHECK.....continuing on!  Approaching the deli, I notice out of the corner of my eye, I see a man late 30's staring at me!  "Nicky....don't make eye contact or look up...but what if he kidnaps me?? I need to know a description..Right?!?" Then it happened, I accidentally made eye contact!  "OOOOO CRAP!  Now look at you, you dummy! You are going to die!  Ok get yourself under control Nicky! Get your ham and move on......FAST!"  Ok ham in cart...moving over to dairy...going to grab some cheese, oooo for the love of cheese! <3
Now at this point my stomach is twisted and I am just a mess! No lie!  Like at any moment I will ditch this cart and SPRINT out of this store!  But with persistence I am going to finish this shopping trip! " You go Nicky, show this stalker that you aren't afraid!! You get over there now and pick some cheese out!"  Ok so here I am grabbing some Mozzarella to eat with my mushrooms I picked out (judge free zone here!) And no lie all of a sudden I hear that man who was behind me say "hmmmmm CHEESE?!"
My eyes are now the size of golf balls and in my mind I'm like "THAT DID NOT JUST HAPPEN, I DID NOT JUST HEAR HIM SAY THAT......keep your face straight put the cheese in the cart and get out of this are imagining stuff now!  But I am pretty sure I heard what I heard! Nicky just LEAVE THE DAIRY SECTION!"  So in a, I am trying not to be frantic sort of way, but I am sure it was all over my stiff body language and fast legs, I pushed my cart to the bakery section.  I planned to just grab bread and mozzy through the frozen section to see if I needed any lunches in there UNTIL....that's right I said UNTIL....I reach for the bread and I hear that same voice....."hmmmm bread"
Now at this point I was like 100,000,000% sure that I was not imagining this anymore. My eyes had to be the size of softballs at this point!  All I hear my internal voice yell is  "NICKY RUN!!!!!!!!  GET OUT OF DODGE! But if I run he will run after me! Nicky he is actually shopping so just leave the store, push your cart to the front find a line that is shorter so you can check out fast!"  So I push my cart to an isle as fast as I can and panic like the whole time before some nice lady came and pushed her cart in the isle after me.  She asked if I was ok and I replied "yes, yes I am thankyou!" Cute old lady!  I mean seriously I must have looked like a wreck if she asked me that!  I checked out grabbed my bags and basically sprinted to my car!
So in the end I made it to the house I am staying followers!! (I drove around for a while to make sure no one was following me and called my dad! haha)
One of my many irrational moments....I am sure to be followed by many more!

This song made me laugh when I was looking for a song for this blog,  I thought I would leave you with a short 30 second one!
So Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. Awwww CHEESE!!!! Must be for that turkey you are making :) Glad you are safe, made me giggle though!
