Thursday, October 3, 2013

I don't even know where this is going......

Soooooo Hey there....I know it's been quite sometime *ashamed face*  Life is life.  You know how it goes one thing leads to another and then your life becomes a big swirl of happenings and you don't know what direction to go, you have different priorities, and simply when you have down time you NEED it.  So there it is, that is why I have been ignoring you.  I would like to say I am sorry but honestly I'm kinda not haha.  But what I will tell you is that I have this blog and then for my next couple blogs which I promise I will update!  I will show you my office (which is finally finished!!)  and my apartment (which is all mine!!). However since I am leaving for training it might be a bit!

To start us off, here is my favorite 4-H lady!! Look at how great she is with a horse!  Not to brag or anything but she got a blue ribbon :)   JK We went to take practice pictures of Kylie!  That beautiful girl and her horse posed and mardee and I snapped some shots!  It was easy because Kylie is so gorgeous! Who knew we had a super model on our hands!

Here's BARB!  She stripped and got a party dress on because of Kim's birthday!  I told her it was a little short and Barb's response.....She just pointed at the door for me to leave....RUDE!!

The weekend consisted of going to the Grandparents at the lakes!  It was great to have all of us kids together (minus Okoma :(  Miss that guy!).
John and Kylie went shopping for goodies and this is what John brought.  Of course you all know that this is a necessity for John but honestly did we need this many!!
3lbs of Gummy worms....

Out of Control!! But you can't help but love him!

Grandma and Kylie...It's hand and foot!! FAV game!!
Here's to all of our cousins.....hahahaha we got Grandpa to play!! And he was such a good sport!

We came back from the lakes in time for Mardee to work.  Mardee, Atati, and I rode back and then Atati and I took my car back to Abercrombie.  Mardee struggled going to work because she didn't want to miss out on time with us. We assured her that we were going to run two errands and go to Aber.  Nothing exciting would happen... and then Scheels happened! We came across this little photo booth thing.  Basically you take this mini-surf board and put it up on the camera and it makes a fish come to life.....Atati and I didn't understand this at first and I was just excited to take a picture.  So I jump on this dock (without reading any directions) and smiled. Atati takes the picture and we both go "well that's boring" Then I was like, there has to be more to this.....we start to read the directions and figure out that you need the "surf" board with you in the picture.  So I go over to the hooks and  of course, I'm the go big or go home type of girl,  and go straight for that shark!  I wish you could have seen both Atati's and my face when the shark came to life.  The Scheels guy did and he couldn't stop laughing at us!  Our eyes were probably as big as beach balls.  So here are our results of our adventure that wasn't supposed to be an adventure....Sorry Mardee :(

Back in Dickinson:

Here it is! It finally came...Brace yourself because you are going to be so jealous of what I am about to show you!! I mean who knew when I accepted this position that I would get such an awesome, fashion trendy, lovely gift!  It's pretty awesome!!  My VERY own..... JEAN JACKET!!!  I haven't had one of these since the 90's....I want to put it on and sing the Saved By the Bell theme song and dance around the office!  I mean.....who could say no to this magical jacket!  It's like a flash back mixed with that warm tingly feeling all put into one.  So please stop the jealous talk cuz I know that you all want one!!

And now that I showed you the new awesomeness in the office we need to talk about what's serious in the office....I want you to know that this is extremely hard for me!  This was very near and dear to my heart and is a huge loss!  Barb is no longer part of the office and has moved on...*cue the tears* WAAAAAAA!!!!
Yes my friends that is NOT a typo but indeed, REAL life!  Barb's "truthful" owner had moved which means, so do her belongings, which SADLY included our dear friend Barb!  I captured what was our last few moments together and which will remain in my heart forever!  Farewell Barb you will be missed by many!

Barb got a makeover from her owner...a paper dress and lots of tape :)  Sooo Pretty...

So pretty that she needed to do a snap to everyone...**selfie Friday!! 
I met Barb's friend at Walmart!  This was NOT for sale..and Yes I asked!

Found Captain Fred's doppelganger at the Pharmacy!  I wanted to give him a hug he looked so much like my dad!! Couldn't believe it!

Speaking of the Captain look at that sharp looking guy in the car!! He is the best and so is that beautiful lady in the front!  We drove to Fargo for some errands and had a wonderful time just us three!

Don't fret we didn't stay to long in Fargo we had to come back to meet up with Shawn and Lukas for Happy Hour and some supper!  Below you will find Lukas and this GINORMOUS sandwich he got!  We had to take pictures because it was so big!!
All of this for me??

Challenge Accepted!


Then we headed off to the football game!  I have not been on a jeep ride in a long time!  It was good to feel the wind through our hair!  I love fun little adventures such as this!

A random weekend.... we hung around outside and set the stage for the BISON football game! We set up shop in the backyard so we could all watch it together in the gorgeous weather!  

Here we are hanging out in the world's smallest tent!  Atati was going to sleep in this sucker and then couldn't fit in it because it was so small.  

Mardee, the pups, and I on a ranger ride adventure!

Church bound with two of my favorite people! Mard and Austin

Anakin riding the big tricycles outside of church....cuz this church is awesome!!

I was blessed to be invited to Tasha's baby shower!  The theme was mustaches!! Too cute!  It was great to see all the girls and hold some BABIES!!  I can't wait to have babies! So these two twin little munchkins belong to my friends Jill and Aaron.  I wanted to hold both at the same time for practice!  I am in the line to have twins so I need all the practice I can get before I have them!  So naturally I just decided to "help" out and hold them!  I am in love that is for sure! These sweet little pumpkins are so adorable and both have their very own distinct personalities!  AHHH just looking at this gives me the FEVER!  Don't fret my friends because I need a hubby before anything is going to happen!  But STILL I cannot wait!!

Random pic of my partners in crime and I!  These two are pretty legit if I do say so myself!

Movie day with Mardee!! Honestly probably one of the best relax days I have had in a long time.  I don't get relax days period!  So it was nice to have one with Mardee!!

My schedule for the last two months and for the next couple months, basically until 2014 is going to be crazy busy!  I have the first two weeks of each month that is out of town training.  So it gets kind of boring and it's hard to live out of a bag and in hotels! I never thought I would say that, because I loved to stay in hotels, until I got this job.  Not saying it's bad but it defiantly took the fun out of it!  But seriously no complaints! I have met a lot of people and am experiencing all kinds of new things.  Below is a picture from the week of training in Grand Forks.  I was lonely and had planned to meet up with my friend Katie somewhere in between GF and Fargo.  However there was a change in plans and I ended up going all the way back to Fargo.  Which might I add was such a good decision. Mardee happened to be in town so she joined us. We had lots of laughs, pizza, and SODA!!  I don't think I have laughed as much as I did that night in a long time!  Uplifting is what I needed and that's what I got!
and no we were not on the roof top lol 

Just incase you needed to know!
This is Jinx (Mardee's dog) if you didn't already know.  He has the biggest personality in the world.  We decided to do a photo shoot and I think this picture is just hilarious so I thought I would share....cuz I can!
Mardee did a pintrest project!  It was a pallet bed that hangs in the tree!  She went on a hunt found some wood, a mattress, and some rope.  She made life happen and two hours later we were swinging in this beauty!!  It's pretty awesome if I do say so myself!
So, you might be saying to yourself, why is this tall grown man sitting on this other guys lap.....the answer to that question is TRUTH OR DARE JENGA!  Jodi had this game and we all decided to play is so random and funny because people will approach you and without you knowing what they are approaching you for and then they will like rub their nose against yours or blow in your ear....ACA AWKWARD! But funny at the same time!

Remember when we said goodbye to Barb....well this child tried giving me Wendy Walker.....I refer to her as WENDY WALKER THE STALKER (*hope you read that with a loud voice that echoed*)  Any way this crazy "thing" was in my curtains when I came back from training for two weeks!  I just left her cuz she's creepy!  Well as I went back to work,  I realized that ALL my pens disappeared from my desk...My co-workers think they are funny!  So anyway Kim wouldn't give them back so I wrote this ransom note... Disclosure: I am not aggressive like this,  this was a joke! AND no one was hurt in the end.

Let me introduce to you “Wendy Walker the Stalker”…her life is now in danger!

OOO you don’t believe me?? HMMMMM...
I’m this serious!!!!!!!  She will NOT be able to open those pretty blues or twirl that curly brown hair if I don’t see those pens by 9am SHARP tomorrow 9/18/2013.

Got it??! Good I’m glad we understand each other!  LOVE YOU! it went something like that.....Wendy is safe and with her owner and the air spray is back in the cupboard and most importantly my pens are back in the holder!!  I'm just glad we all survived.

Yup this happened!  

My cousin Lance got married to the beautiful Bridget a couple weekends ago.  It was a fun time catching up with family and friends! Mardee, Jesse, and I went into the photo booth and took some pics.  This one surfaced on the internet...people asked what we were laughing so hard for....WELL.....I may have super loud...and then it was silent in the booth....and then this happened!! So cheers to a true and honest candid....oooo and before I forget...excuse me?!?

So this is where we say until we meet again!  Sorry for the most random blog post but some of this is blurred together and multiple events but I just wanted to share everything!  Now I know I need to stay on task and keep up with this thing if I am going to continue it....Geesh!

Life isn't slowing down anytime soon so I am just continuing to hold on for the ride and thanking God for all the people I have in my life that are rooting and praying for me!  Thanks again for all the thoughts, prayers, and kind words!  You all are too nice and I am soooooo BLESSED to know each and everyone of you!

So Much Love,

*This song is my favorite new song...It's a tweenie bopper song but I do not's my guilty pleasure! AWW Brings me back to the N'SYNC days.......Sorry I need to go now I have a Teen Bop to go buy, JK JK...but seriously!


  1. I don't like Wendy Walker the Stalker; she needs to see Desi for a new hairdo and makeover. Just sayin'! Love that you got to play hand and foot with the grandparents; you will have to teach me how to play again someday.

  2. PS the song makes me sucks! Reminds me of LFO, SUmmer Girls.
