Wednesday, April 10, 2013

PASSED IT!!!!!!!!!

OOOO my friends!! What a whorl wind kind of week/weekend.
Wednesday was a "busy" day in the office!  We had a new addition to our office her name is Barb

Welcoming Barb

Barb recruiting Foster Care Families

Wednesday night I got a call from my good friend Jake.  He is up here working in the oil fields transporting oil barrels via Semi-truck.    See it was 8:30pm and of course I was literally crawling in bed watching TV and he called to go for a beer. Jake and I haven't hung out like that in a long time, so it was needed! Lots of laughs and NACHOS!! We shut the place down and didn't even know it!  It closed at 10p and we stayed till 11p, REBELS! We know! :)

And then Thursday happened....
I had this blog and told you that I would be 100% honest in my feelings so here it goes....
I had my first break down.  I cried A-lot and then texted my sister (she was at work).  I was 45 minutes late for work due to this.  Thursday morning I woke up got ready and could not get it together.  There is not one thing that I could pin point that was making me feel this way.  I remember dreaming and waking up crying twice throughout the night, however I don't remember what the dreams were about.  I was sad for the first time in a long time just.......SAD.  I went out and bought myself some flowers and put them on my desk because I thought some of God's colorful/wonderful creations could bring me through the day.  By the end of the day I came to the conclusion that this whole thing is real.  This whole Dickinson move.....that all of you are not just a text or phone call away to come be by my side.  Yes, I can still call and text but sometimes you just want the person physically there to just give you a hug and tell you that things will be ok!
I got a call from my brother John that afternoon and he said that he was in town and he wanted to go for lunch.  My spirits were lifted by this!! God sent him my way that is all I can say about that!  We went and had supper together and then went and walked around a sporting goods store (similar to Fleet Farm) and then he had to get back to the job site.  It was sad seeing him go!  We had a good time lots of laughs and good conversation as well!  It's crazy how close you become with people when you aren't around them as much. John calls and checks up on me through the weeks and makes sure I'm safe and still alive.  (which is totally appreciated!)
John setting up a hunting scene to explain to me how it all went down
Salt=Shelter belts
Pepper=HUGE buck

John showing how to hold the gun, he was being funny!

Friday.....Well I am not sure what happened Friday....First off I went to my very first spinning class at the gym.  My co-worker Natalee and I went together (needed the emotional support).  We were standing in this line and took turns changing in the locker room to stay in line for a ticket.  I went first and came back to stand in line and then Natalee went to go change.  All of a sudden they start giving tickets away.  I start to panic because I can get a ticket, but is Natalee going to be able to?  So I ask and explain and the lady goes.."oooo no I'm sorry she has to get her own" (in a non compassionate, rude voice).  At this point out of sheer panic and anger due to her snotty voice, I wanted to jump the counter, push her over, and steal the LAST ticket!  But instead I sprint to the locker room and yell "Natalee RUN, there is only one more ticket and you need it if we are going to be able to go to this class.  She replies "hold on I have to pull my pants up"  She runs to the front and.....NO TICKET.  As she walks back to the locker room in a depressed face, this man approaches her and says "Hey, I saw your friend was really upset that she couldn't get you a ticket so I stood in line and got you one"  Now seriously!!! How awesome is this man!  And how expressive my face must have been!
Now with tickets in hand we approach the room.  Side-note in my head I am freaking out!  I have never done this before and I am scared out of my mind.  And not only that but my body is about to go into a complete exercise shock!  So with nerves popping out everywhere I walk in and there are no bikes next to each other.  There is one in the back row next to a man or one hanging out off to the side 2nd row.  Natalee BLESS her heart lets me decide. I chose the last row next to the man.  I know you all are like oooo whats the big deal its just a guy.  Well listen!  First off it is hard enough to go to the gym in the first place, 2nd I don't feel like sweating like a pig in-front of anyone let alone this guy, and third HE'S A MAN. No girl likes to sweat like that in front of a man! PERIOD!
So I get on this bike....Of course I am not willing to admit I have never taken this class before or that I am new (even though I am reeking of new girl scent).  So I casually try to put my feet in the holders.  Well the person that sat there before me must have been like four feet tall because I literally kneed my chest trying to put my second foot in the holder.  Then because it was awkward I waited and watched.  I eye stalked everyone in that room waiting like a Lion approaching prey, ready to pounce.  Then a person right in front of me started to adjust their bike.  I observed and then waited a little bit and then jumped at the chance to change my machine.  You know because it wasn't obvious in the first place.  So I adjust and get settled in (as much as you can on these things).  Then the instructor comes in....ready to go...when I say ready I mean READY!  She turns the lights down, turns the music up, and starts yelling PEDAL!  Of course I feel like I am entering a twilight zone because this is all new to me.  I start pedaling trying to go the pace of others around know that kind of thing.  Then we start to "hill" climb basically we are standing up pedaling   All I am thinking in my head is "Dear God, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not let these pedals give out on me.  If they do please let me have the balance to be able to get up and RUN out of this exercise room."  As we continue I am like dying sweat dripping, going to fall over, passing out tired and I glance at the clock and we are four minutes in.  How in the *%$# am I going to last for 36 more minutes!  Fast forward to about half way in our workout the instructor goes "you should be tired! You should be wanting to quit!"  I was thinking "well I was about 19 minutes ago!"  I keep pushing myself because I am not giving up, I am determined to finish this class!  Even if my butt is bruised from this unbearable seat and I cannot sit on anything for a week I WILL finish this workout!! Then the instructor yells "This is my second workout today, WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE!!"  At this point it wasn't just sweat that was dripping from my face....I was going to die...she was going to exercise me to death....
We started another hill climb towards the end and the instructor was like "can you feel it in your butt? Can you?"  The poor man next to me feeling the same tear causing pain that I was loudly says "YES" with a chocked up voice.  Me?  well at that point I couldn't do anything but laugh at his response and the poor guy looks at me and then we both bust out laughing together. Bonding moment!
Sweat covered, thirstier than I have ever been, and  numb butted, I finished that workout like a CHAMP!
When we left my co-worker asked if I would ever do it response "maybe after next week, my butt has to recover after this one!"
So moving on with my Friday.  We went to Bowman to drop off a car (long boring story). While there we (Natalee and I) decided to visit the thrift store we found some goodies! I found another hat for the pool!  This one will be great when I am exercising due to the tie it has on it! Water Aerobics here I come!
Please refrain from jealousy! If you come visit I will share
So I return home from this little adventure.  Decided to shower and after I come out I see someone is sitting on my chair in the living room.  I peek out and pull my head back in the bathroom and then realize who it is (after I have a mini heart attack!)  IT WAS MARDEE!!!!!!  THEE BEST sister in thee WORLD! I bawled like a big baby!  For a while, then screamed with excitement. If anyone of you know Mardee, she is not the fly by the seat of her pants type of gal.  She needs a plan! and for her to on a whim and decide to come visit was a huge deal!  Not only for her but for me!! I could not have asked for a better surprise!  I asked her why she did it and she said "You threw out the bat signal, so I came flying"  UGH seriously I am tearing up just thinking of this!  I don't even think she knows how much that meant to me!  A little shout out to my great friend Marie!  She helped Mardee pull this off and I couldn't ask for a better friend! <3
Friday night we went out to my co-worker Natalee's friends house and played a dice game.  We met lots of new people and had a blast playing!  Looks weird but totally fun!

Saturday Mardee and I painted my office! ALL DAY.  I now know that I would not have been able to do that myself! UGH! It was tough with two people! So thankful for her and her help.  Pictures will come when I finish up one of the walls and get my decorations up.  It is going to be so cute!
Then Sunday came we went to church and then she had to take off :(   I could not have been any sadder.  I really miss her and needed her this weekend so much! HUGE thankyou to her!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

Monday=STORM, I got sent home from work around noon.  Katie and I watched Wreck it Ralph later, and enjoyed ourselves some good 'ol movie time!

Tuesday....The Tuesday that I will probably NEVER forget!  This day my friends I went to take my license  test.  Now this test had a huge weight on my shoulders because if I didn't pass I could have potentially lost my job.  I prayed and cried more than I feel I ever have in my life.  I was to the point where if I would have failed I was going to come home grab my stuff and head back to Fargo.  HOWEVER:  I went in like a champ did my breathing exercises when I was overwhelmed during the test BUT walked out of there with a paper that said PASS!!!!!!!!  Life is so great! This was another puzzle piece in place for me!  Just another one of those God Winks telling me to keep moving forward in the direction I have been going!  Please feel free to refer to me as Nicky Kay Besette, LSW   

This silly picture is one I sent Mardee because she sent me Thursday morning a quote that said
 "Faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains in your life, Stay Encourage"
And I told her "funny you sent that because I look like one!"

Flowers from my PATH girls!! They went and bought me these in
celebration for when I got back! <3 them so much!!
Then I also had on my desk this AWESOME NAME TAG!!!
I am just so official each day that comes forth!

A to the MEN!!!

All I can say is that your prayers and thoughts must have been working from the last post! ThankYOU all for the support and for being my friends and family!! Love you all so much!!

So Much Love,


  1. I am so proud of you for going on this adventure, I can't say that enough. If you are up for it, I want to take a road trip to come see you this summer!

    1. Thankyou Nikki!! Of course you can come for a road trip! I would love to have you! Hope all is well with you, Dave, and your two new/cute additions!!

  2. I love you and I am so inspiered by you your blog made me laugh it was awsome i so glad i got to be a part of your life friend keep up the good work you Rock fearless leader love maria:)

    1. OO Maria!! Thankyou sooo much!! I am so thankful that you are part of my life! You are an inspiration to us all! Hope the job situation is working out for you! I have been praying for you!
